Welcome to The Sha Sparks Show


Denise Duran is a Certified Fearless Living Coach (CFLC) with private and group coaching & consulting practice. With nearly 25 years of experience in professional development, entrepreneurship, team-building, and multiple sales recognition awards, Denise’s motto is practice makes progress! As a Life Coach, she’s committed to creating a collaborative experience while providing life-long tools to support her clients’ continued growth, creativity, and resourcefulness. Denise’s gift for guiding her clients to transform their brick walls into stepping stones for success allows them to accomplish higher levels of achievement and deeper connections to themselves, including their professional and personal relationships.

Denise lives in Northern California with her husband of over twenty years. Their active life includes three children and two parents in their multi- generational home, as well as three dogs! Denise participates on several boards connected to community endeavors and when she’s not coaching, with family, serving her community, she loves spending time with friends and entertaining. She’s also a fan of beach time with great books!

You are invited to connect with Denise on her website www.deniseduran.com or email her at deniseduran.tbt@gmail.com.

We invite you to purchase a signed copy of her book at www.firestartersbookproject.com/denise


Being a Spark of Hope in the Midst of Change is making a courageous conscious decision to respond to the adjustment of change in a positive light.

The #FIRESTARTERS Book Project is a collection of creative thought leaders who are collaborating, planning, directing, organizing, and creating new ideas to navigate change.

​We understand that a single match, if left alone, will fizzle out quickly. Therefore, when one match ignites another, we build a stronger fire. We start with a tiny spark that ignites hope, creativity, curiosity, fearlessness, connection, kindness, collaboration, mindfulness, community, acceptance, purpose, contribution and love into the world.

​That single spark creates a ripple effect, then gains momentum and spreads like wildfire.

​We create a collective, positive, proactive shift in the world because we are the change we want to see.

​Together, we are


Join the movement today www.firestartersbookproject.com