Feb. 5, 2021

Project Diehard with Brian Gibson

Project Diehard with Brian Gibson

Brian Gibson was born into a Navy career family, he decided to join the Army because he couldn’t swim, where he served as a Combat Medic for 26 years. He is the Founder and President of Project Diehard. While self medicating with alcohol and at one...

Brian Gibson was born into a Navy career family, he decided to join the Army because he couldn’t swim, where he served as a Combat Medic for 26 years. He is the Founder and President of Project Diehard.

While self medicating with alcohol and at one point put a .45 in his mouth ready to pull the trigger, when he was interrupted with a phone call.

Later on, he realized his purpose was to help other veterans who are thinking about doing the same thing. He founded Project Diehard to fight the war on veteran suicide and to assist his brothers and sisters in getting the help they need.

You can find out more at his website on projectdiehard.org