Welcome to The Sha Sparks Show
June 25, 2021

Overcoming the Odds with Oleg Lougheed

Overcoming the Odds with Oleg Lougheed

Oleg Lougheed’s start in life was inauspicious. At 9 years old, he relinquished his parents' rights and entered the Russian orphanage. At 12 years old, he decided to be adopted into a new family, in a new country, halfway across the world, to start...

Oleg Lougheed’s start in life was inauspicious. At 9 years old, he relinquished his parents' rights and entered the Russian orphanage. At 12 years old, he decided to be adopted into a new family, in a new country, halfway across the world, to start a new life. At 24 years old, he began his journey of helping others live the life they have always dreamed of, despite their hardships and misfortunes by allowing them to recognize the uniqueness and worth within their own story.

His podcasts Overcoming Odds Podcast and The Power of Your Story Podcast are on all podcast platforms.

You are invited to find out more about Oleg on his website www.overcomingodds.today