Nov. 3, 2023

Fighting Beautifully with Delilah V Matos

Fighting Beautifully with Delilah V Matos

Is there a fight that you are fighting and you might feel like you don’t have the right skills or tools to defeat your opponent? 

Delilah V Matos empowers females to face any challenge in life with a fighting spirit. She is a masters division competitive boxer not only passionate about the fight within the ropes but even more so beyond the ropes. 

She is the founder of Beautiful Fighter is her female empowerment mission-based ministry, one she feels God has called her to serve women of all ages to face each day fighting beautifully.

 Her heart's desire for every female is to know their identity in God & to lean on Him in all things. not in the world or anything the world may tell you to be. When facing any obstacle, she reminds you that you’re a fighter at heart & can face the fight beautifully & win!

 We invite you to connect with her at


The Shā Sparks Show - We talk with Business & Military Leaders about what it means to invest in Leadership, Relationships & Self Love.

Ever feel like an imposter? Or maybe even like you are no longer fired up about life like you're living on a hamster wheel repeating the motions daily? 

Shā Sparks is an energetic catalyst and fearless communicator who sparks leaders to find, use, and share their voice through coaching, podcasts, and publications so they can go from fear to fired up about their life and business. 

Through her renowned Spark Your ALPHA program, Shā’s audiences and clients experience more confidence, amplified emotional intelligence, and the spark that ignites their fearless action. Also, she provides an all-inclusive host for hire, a podcast-in-a-box service called Spark Your VOICE, Podcasts to Publications.

As the CEO (Chief Excitement Officer) of Sparks of Fire International, she hosts multiple podcasts along with her signature podcast called The Sha Sparks Show along with being a host of Real Talk and co-host of UnderWired on United Network News. She is also the author of How to Get Your Voice Back, a Certified Fearless Living Coach and Trainer, and the Co-Founder of the FIRESTARTERS Book Project.

“Auntie Shā-Shā” to all of her friends’ kids, she is also an expert sunrise phone photographer and a rookie kayaker. Most importantly, Shā wants to inspire others to move confidently through change so they can step into their FIRE power!

You are invited to connect with Shā at

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