Jan. 29, 2021

Being Audacious with Generosity with Kevin White

Being Audacious with Generosity with Kevin White

Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries, continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed...

Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God

said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the

organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries,

continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed

resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed

a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving because

of Audacious Generosity.

Which happens to be the title of his newly released book, Audacious Generosity How to Experience, Receive, and Give More Than You Ever Thought Possible

For ten years, Kevin has been the founder/executive

director of Global Hope India, a mission organization

to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times

hosting a thousand people on mission trips.

His website is www.kevinwhite.us