Welcome to The Sha Sparks Show
Dec. 24, 2020

Adventures in Leadership with Tim Croll

Adventures in Leadership with Tim Croll

Tim Croll is Business Growth Strategist, with extensive experience in E-commerce, entrepreneurship, and organization development. His experience spans from owning a service-based company to building a multi-million dollar Ecom business. What sets him...

Tim Croll is Business Growth Strategist, with extensive experience in E-commerce, entrepreneurship, and organization development. His experience spans from owning a service-based company to building a multi-million dollar Ecom business.

What sets him apart is his ability to communicate a complex business strategy into a step-by-step action plan. It is the connection and sharing on a personal level that creates relevance to his message for marketing and strategy.

He has been certified as a coach for AGS, Kidlead, and holds master's degrees in leadership development. He teaches weekly for several groups and writes for publications.

Also he is the co-host of Business to Business made Simple podcast.

Join him at www. timcroll.com.